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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [尽くさざる]

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A good lawyer would leave no stone unturned in his efforts to defend his client.
Frankly speaking, you haven't tried your best.
The field mice were eating up the farmers' grain.
Father always says, "Do your best."
She did well by him.
She will do her best to be here on time.
She devoted herself to her sick mother.
It is important for them to do their best.
He did his best to be in time for the train.
He did his best to help her.
He did his best to overcome his enemy.
He did his best to rescue her.
He did his best only to fail again.
He was determined to go, so I decided to do my best to help him.
He devoted himself whole-heartedly to her.
He's looking for someone to serve him.
He has done his utmost for me.
He'll do his best to finish the job.
He directed all his energy to his business.
He would do his best.

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