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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [数日間]

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For things that have had contents with volatile oil like thinners they should be left for a few days to completely evaporate it before being disposed of as non-flammable waste.
She stayed at the hotel for several days.
He borrowed his friend's car for a few days.
He is off work for a few days.
He was unconscious for several days.
The weather stayed hot for a few days.
It rained for several days on end.
I think we should get away from here for a few days.
I hope to get away from Tokyo for a few days.
I'm taking a couple of days off.
These sea boats are fast enough to stay in a depression for several days.
For the past few days Jane has been quiet and out of humor.
Jane has been quiet and grouchy for the past few days.
Jane has been quiet and grumpy for the past few days.
Jane has been quiet and moody for the past few days.

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