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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [晴れなく]

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I have to do laundry while it's still sunny.
"'Fox's wedding'." "Er ...?" "Today, with an 81 percent likelihood, it will be clear skies but, depending on location, there will be sun showers."
An evening glow often promises good weather.
I hope the weather will clear up tomorrow.
I hope it will be fine tomorrow.
I don't know if it will be fine tomorrow.
I don't know if it will be fine tomorrow, but if it is fine we'll go on a picnic.
If it is fine tomorrow, we'll go on a picnic.
I will leave if it is fine tomorrow.
It will be fine tomorrow, too.
It ought to be fine tomorrow.
I hope that it is fine tomorrow.
When it clears up tomorrow it is good.
I wonder if it will clear up tomorrow.
Will it be fine tomorrow?
I hope the weather will clear up tomorrow.
It may possibly be fine tomorrow.
I hope the weather will be fine tomorrow.
The fog won't clear until there's a wind to blow it away.
I hope the fog will go away soon.

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