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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [早かった]

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Mother told me to come home early, but I was late.
Mother gets up earliest in my family.
Quick to adapt to changing circumstances.
Don't be longer than you can help.
Don't take longer than you need to and come back home quickly.
If need be, I will come early tomorrow morning.
Airplanes enable people to travel great distances rapidly.
Flying is the quickest way to travel.
Since you look tired, you had better go to bed early.
Being tired, he went to bed earlier than usual.
Being tired, she went to bed early.
John, being tired, went to bed early.
He said he was tired, so he would go home early.
Every morning she gets up early because she has to cook.
She gets up early every morning.
She left early in the morning.
She calculates faster than any other student.
She should be there now because she left early.
She had an early breakfast.
She learned her part very quickly.

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