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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [早かった]

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THAT man is the groper! Catch him quickly!
It’s about time to sleep. You have to get up early tomorrow, right?
Where is the money? Give it to me now!
It’s unusual for you to wake up so early.
It was helpful that you dealt with it quickly.
I wake up early so that I can eat breakfast.
I wake up early in order to eat breakfast.
I’m working early in the morning so that I can get used to the job quickly.
I’m working early in the morning in order to get used to the job quickly.
Eat quickly.
When I’m tired, I have a bath and go to bed early.
Tomorrow, I will wake up early!
If you go to bed early, you can wake up early.
If I finish work early, I'll go.
ば conditional used to express a hypothetical condition.
If you don't sleep early, you can't wake up early.
If you sleep early, you can wake up early.
You are the one who told me to wake you up early, you know?
Hurry up! Because we don't have time.

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