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It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says "Yes" and "No".
It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says Yes and No.
If Spenser doesn't keep adding and translating sentences, the other contributors will surely surpass him.
Yes! I won twice in a row!
Will the universe expand indefinitely?
The threat increases; a defence that doesn't evolve is meaningless.
Up till now America has called itself the world's police and continued suppression relying on military force.
Human beings, whether they realise it or not, continually seek happiness.
In order to continue to challenge new things, in order to meet new needs, we work day in day out in R&D.
If it continues to be stimulated the skin's protective function causes thickening and it becomes stiff and hard with pores that stand out.
Puffing and panting we continued to run with renewed vigor.
Then that animosity is being passed on down to us?
Having idled jobless for a while I wavered. I'd rushed into handing in my notice but maybe I should have endured it and kept going...
The fun thing about this job is that the technology is continually advancing so it continues to be stimulating.
If you continue with the pointless arguments'll end up as a repeat of yesterday.
"How are things going?" "Terrific. Income and profit are continuing to rise steadily."
Please continue with your story.
Go ahead with your story.
Keep in touch.
I keep in touch with my parents by mail.

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