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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [体温]

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It is important to maintain your body temperature at a suitable level.
Body temperature rising, pulse rising ... he's in a state of oxygen deficiency.
I took my temperature every six hours.
When we are asleep, bodily functions slow down and body temperature falls.
My mother took my temperature.
His temperature is normal.
The girl in a white uniform took my temperature.
During warm weather, sweating helps man regulate his body temperature.
Did you take your temperature with a thermometer in your mouth?
Take one's temperature.
Let me take your temperature.
I took my temperature, but it was normal.
Body temperature is highest in the afternoon.
While you are asleep, the bodily functions slow down and body temperature falls.
My temperature was below thirty-seven degrees this morning.
My temperature is 38 degrees.
A child has a higher temperature than an adult does.
I'm keeping a record of basal body temperature.
The nurse took his temperature with a thermometer.
The nurse took his temperature.

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