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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [貸せません]

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He lent me the money quite willingly.
He cares little for my advice.
He helped the lady into the car.
He turned a deaf ear to their request.
He turned a deaf ear to their complaints.
He says that he will lend me the book when he is done with it.
He was kind enough to lend me money.
He was kind enough to lend me some money.
He was so kind as to lend us some money.
He was so kind as to lend us some money.
He helped an old lady to get up from her seat.
He helped an old lady get up from her seat.
He decided to rent his property to that company.
He turned a deaf ear to my request.
He wouldn't listen to my advice.
He shut his ears to my advice.
He turned a deaf ear to my words.
He lent me a book, which was too difficult for me.
He lent me two books, neither of which I have read as yet.
He lent me two books.

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