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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [貸せません]

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I do not have the courage to ask my boss to lend me his car.
It is kind of you to lend me the money.
Will you lend me some money?
Can you lend me some money?
Would you be so kind as to lend me your book?
Thank you for lending us the book.
It was really considerate of you to lend me $500 when I was in difficulties.
Thank you very much for lending me $500 when I was having difficulty making ends meet.
My sister asked me to lend her the dictionary.
Can I borrow your umbrella?
It was very kind of you to lend me an umbrella.
If you need an umbrella I'll lend you one.
Last night I indulged in reading the book he lent me.
Didn't I lend you some money yesterday?
He said that he had left his purse at home and asked me if I could lend him 1,000 yen.
Since he had left his wallet at home, he asked me if I could lend him 1,000 yen.
The man lent me two books this morning.
Could you lend me some money until this weekend?
Could you lend me some money until this weekend?
Could you lend me some money until this weekend?

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