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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [奪う]

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The accident took her son away from her.
I was robbed of my wallet by the man sitting next to me.
I was robbed of no more than 1,000 yen.
I was robbed not more than 1000 yen.
I was robbed of my bag.
No citizen should be deprived of his rights.
No citizen should be deprived of his rights.
The children were enthralled by the fairy tale.
You must not deprive children of their playthings.
The kids were absorbed in the splendid fireworks.
Four armed men held up the bank and escaped with $4 million.
His work absorbed all his energies.
The people deprived him of his rights.
The king was deprived of his power.
The high building deprived their house of sunlight.
In daredevil car races, there are moments when the drivers place themselves between the devil and the deep blue sea, trying to take the lead.
He's reigning champion, and no young challenger is going to take it away from him.
A time bomb went off in the airport killing thirteen people.
Machinery robs work of creative interest.
The audience was carried away by his touching performance.

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