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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [知らせなかった]

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The siren sounded an emergency.
Please keep me informed of whatever happens in my absence.
Please keep me informed about whatever happens in my absence.
If you see a suspicious person, please inform the police.
She married without her parents' knowledge.
She informed him of her arrival.
She had the kindness to inform us.
She informed her parents of her success.
She informed me of her departure.
She informed me of her decision.
She was so kind as to inform me of it.
Let's acquaint her with our decision immediately.
I informed him of her arrival.
He was relieved when she informed him that she had a rich new boyfriend.
Who broke the news of her death to you?
He revealed the secret to her.
He told her about his plan.
He advised me that he had arrived.
He informed me about the changes in the plan.
He warned me of the danger.

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