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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [知らされた]

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She may not come to the party tonight.
She may not be at home now.
She knows what to do now.
She may be waiting at the station now.
Does she know you?
She knows your mother very well.
She knows the art of making money.
She knew the story already.
She may not be aware of the danger.
She was within an ace of saying "I don't know".
She looks pale. She may have been Ill.
She may be a nurse. I am not sure.
She does know it.
She is ignorant of even the simplest fact about science.
She is ignorant of even the simplest facts about science.
What is she so curious about?
She acted as if she knew nothing.
It seems to me that she knows everything.
She seems to know something important.
She has a rich vocabulary of English words.

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