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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [知られ]

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Shouko has a bad habit of not saying and abbreviating the main points, I don't know how many surprising misunderstandings she has received until now.
I didn't know such a word until now.
When Kokoro began being absent from school, she learnt that a weekday at 11am was that kind of time.
This sentence is a bit easier to understand after it is rearranged as follows:

こころは学校を休むようになって初めて、 平日午前中の十一時というのがこういう時間なんだということを知った。
The fact that maybe in reality Miss Toujou was told by the teachers to come meet me, and to listen to my story … I try not to think of the possibility that in spite of being told that, she didn't do it.
"You can but, it's dangerous. If you wish along those lines, I really don't know if it is an example that will make you happy."
けい【系】の解説 =
2 名詞に付いて、一つのまとまりのある関係にあることを表す語。「理科系に進む」「外資系の企業」「太陽系」「銀河系」「MKS単位系」
If you read this book, your life may change.

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