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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [着ません]

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Wash before first wearing.
He was wearing a threadbare suit.
Also, those of you who don't have the chance to wear a 'kimono', go for it and wear one!
Come to that the uniform had a bit more starch than that I usually wear, it's a bit uncomfortable.
Well, it's just like the proverb "fine feathers make a fine bird". You look really good when you wear a suit.
The dancers look delicate in their white dresses, but they are really as strong as horses.
She is garbed in furs.
My daughter has grown into a dress my wife used to wear.
We bought new uniforms to wear at the game.
My maternal grandmother persists in wearing that old-fashioned dress.
Mother likes to go out in this coat.
My mother always wears a kimono at home.
Have you finished dressing?
I wore a coat lest I catch a cold.
I wore a coat so I wouldn't catch a cold.
I went out with my overcoat on for fear of catching cold.
She put on a sweater so as not to catch cold.
She put on a sweater so she wouldn't catch a cold.
Put on your coat lest you should catch the cold.
The room was full of girls in white.

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