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I don't expect him to understand my innermost thoughts but I wonder what I can do to get him to hold an interest.
"What is this? An offering?" "That's right. Put it in this offertory box ... and pull this rope."
We drop off our luggage in a small prefab hut and promptly start preparations.
In the darkness, I frantically reach out towards the receding figure.
Well, for the practical problem, in the midst of those rumours flying around I'm surprised they've been able to keep that club running.
Amazing! This moving a story is a first for me! It's truly an epic among epics!
During the orgy Megumi ran naked round the lawn.
I also need to get people to understand the real me! My forceful behaviour is one way I try to do this!
What is that song called that Mr. Tsuji was singing in the TV show?
What's the name of the folk song that Mr. Tsugi sang in that TV drama?
The boy splashed about in the tub.
The baby was splashing in the bathtub.
Transcending time, the insects of ages gone past dance livelily in amber.
As expectation increases that the dollar will weaken, the foreign exchange market's reaction to US economic indicators has been fairly muted.
Such things as the textbook controversy, lack of recognition of historical events, and the prime minister's worshipping at the Yasukuni Shrine have caused discord with China.
It's difficult for returnees to blend in with that class.
The company is operating under joint Sino-Japanese management.
Anyhow, having been held in school from morning to evening ... anybody'd be happy on getting released.
When I woke up, I was in the car.
There's a comparatively large cinema complex inside the mall.

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