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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [飛びます]

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Normally you'd call 250 yards a great distance for an amateur.
Mrs. Bruce was the first female pilot to fly between England and Japan.
I've found a way of jumping so you can get 202m in the ski-jump!
The days after that flew past.
The UFO, with a zigzag movement you couldn't think of as being a plane, flew off into the mountains in the east.
An eagle was soaring high up in the air.
For example, vervet monkeys learn to use a certain call in the presence of circling eagles, who prey on the monkeys.
The storm prevented many planes from leaving the airport.
The leaves blew off.
I will be flying over the Pacific about this time tomorrow.
Every Tuesday her fat little fingers flew like birds up and down the keys of song too.
I'm going to fly to the moon.
Bees fly from flower to flower.
A fly does not fly into a shut mouth.
I had my hat blown off by the wind.
The plane flew out of sight.
The airplane sailed over our heads.
The plane flew east.
The plane flew over the island.
The airplane skimmed the ground before it crashed.

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