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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [長い]

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They haven't heard from him in a long time.
My association with them didn't last long.
He sat for a long time, listening to the sound of the wind.
He wrote her a long letter, which he didn't mail.
He has long hair and wears jeans.
He wears his hair long.
The longer he stays in Japan, the better his Japanese gets.
He must be very tired after a long walk.
He can't stay long.
Though he long dominated the steel industry, he never achieved a complete monopoly.
He made a long stay in London.
He was engaged in a long argument.
He cut a poor figure after his long illness.
He has been sick for a long time.
He has suffered through a long period of illness.
He's writing a long letter.
He will stay here for a long period.
He was tired from his long walk.
He was poor for a long time, but he is well off now.
He gazed at the ceiling for a long time.

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