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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [長]

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Although her parents had said no for a long time, they finally let her go to Europe alone.
Last night I could not do my homework on account of a long blackout.
I feel restless when I have to wait too long for my friend to show up.
There was not a long queue at the stadium.
The young man had been sitting in the drawing room alone with the girl for a long time and it was getting late.
My sister has long legs.
My sister has long legs and likes sports.
If the list of books is too long, please leave out all foreign books.
I made a long journey last year.
My hair has grown too long.
There are a lot of long and straight roads in Hokkaido.
They had a long talk in an atmosphere of peace and freedom.
The average length is seven hours and forty-five minutes, not much different from what a lot of humans need.
It took me a long time to get over my cold.
My father never takes a long rest.
Father made a long tear in his sleeve.
My father made a long tear in his sleeve.
Miyoko carried a torch so long, I think it gave her heartburn.
Airplanes enable people to travel great distances rapidly.
The greater the genius, the longer it takes the world to find it out and understand it.

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