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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [痛みます]

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Do you feel any pain in your stomach?
Does your stomach hurt?
My stomach hurts.
Roger slipped on the ice and hurt his leg.
The apple-blossom was touched by the frost.
The skin of peaches bruises easily.
My head aches so much.
My head aches so.
My head really aches.
It hurts terribly.
I hurt my elbow.
Tom hurt his left knee during practice, so John had to play the game in his place.
Which tooth hurts?
Will the therapy cause me any pain?
The widow suffered from stomach cancer.
The sad story made my heart ache.
I slipped on the paper and hurt my leg.
Does it hurt a lot?
It will cure you of your headache in no time.
You'll strain your eyes trying to read in this light.

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