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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [痛んだ]

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This pork is a bit off.
This corn hurts a lot.
I have a bad pain here.
I have a pricking pain here.
I have a throbbing pain here.
I have a gripping pain here.
Will it hurt a lot?
My stomach aches after meals.
I have hunger pangs.
My sides ache, doctor.
How long have you had this pain?
My heart aches for the starving children in Africa.
My heart aches for those starving children.
At the end of every day, his back was tired and his legs hurt.
"I have a terrible tooth-ache." "You'd better see a dentist at once."
Where does it hurt?
Where do you have pain?
Where is the pain?
Like an idiot I overtrained my muscles and hurt my triceps.
Even though the accident was six months ago, my neck still hurts.

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