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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [痛んだ]

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My back hurts.
My right shoulder hurts.
My legs ached after the long walk.
I've got a bit of an ache in my back.
She hurt her elbow when she fell down.
She hurt her foot when she fell off her bicycle.
He hurt his left foot when he fell.
My heart is hurting.
I have a pain in my foot.
My teeth ache. I need to make an appointment with my dentist.
What pains you, pains me too.
Mary has a bad back. It's hard for her to lift things.
Tom threw his back out.
Tom has a sore knee.
Does it hurt a lot?
Where does it hurt?
I have a sharp pain here.
Which leg hurts?
I wish my back didn't always hurt so much.
I wish my leg didn't hurt so much.

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