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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [通じました]

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There is a world of difference between, "somehow being understood" and "using correct English."
That means nothing if English speakers don't understand it.
However often I phone I can't get through.
"What was that person saying?" "He couldn't communicate in Russian at all so I told him off in Russian."
Fallen rocks cut off the only access to the village.
Wondering if my daughter had arrived safely I tried to call her but couldn't get through.
I was relieved that I could make my broken English understood.
She started talking as soon as she got through.
They are a nice couple; they are always in sympathy with each other.
They could make themselves understood in English.
I could not make myself understood to them in English.
He is well acquainted with history as a whole.
He has a good acquaintance with Japanese theater.
He is familiar with what is going on in China.
He has a great knowledge of the linguistic field.
He is at home in phonetics as well as linguistics.
Modern music is familiar to him.
He is well versed in foreign affairs.
He is familiar with the topic.
He could not see the joke.

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