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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [渉れます]

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Both leaders should be brought together to bring down the curtain on generations of feuding between the two clans.
She swam across the river.
He ran across the street, leaving her alone.
He was just going to the walk across the street.
His reading is of a wide range.
His life spanned nearly a century.
It is possible for him to swim across the river.
The shocks of several explosions were felt for miles.
I saw him swim across the river.
Not only has eating with your fingers continued throughout the centuries, but some scholars believe that it may become popular again.
The bridge is safe; you can drive across.
Let us go together. We can swim across the river, carry off the bear cubs, take them to the house on the mountain, and together find happiness.
The committee had a long session.
It seems that Wataru devoted himself to his studies.
Our country has enjoyed many years of unbroken peace.
It is dangerous to cross that old bridge.
This river is dangerous to swim across.
This silverware set has been in my family for generations.
This ceremony has been handed down from generation to generation.
The curve extends from point A to point B.

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