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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [土曜日]

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I have to give back the book before Saturday.
Saturday is the pottery class I've been attending since last year.
It was going to be from Saturday, but, with one thing and another, it ended up being from the new week.
What do you say to a bus tour next Saturday?
I will be free next Saturday.
Seven days of Saturday is all that I need.
We played tennis after school every Saturday.
I'll be off duty at noon on Saturday.
The division picnic is this Saturday at the park.
She spends every Saturday afternoon playing tennis.
She doesn't have to go to school on Saturday.
She is going to visit her grandmother on Saturday.
She doesn't have to go to school on Saturday.
She used to play tennis on Saturday afternoon.
They won't play tennis this Saturday.
He meets his girlfriend Saturdays.
He meets his girlfriend on Saturdays.
He reached Kyoto on Saturday.
He doesn't go to the office on Saturday.
He often cuts classes on Monday and Saturday.

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