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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [盗まれる]

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I don't even know who has stolen what.
Even during work, I secretly indulge my Internet addiction.
Someone has robbed us of all our money during our absence.
Burglars broke into our apartment and stole my wife's fur coat.
Sleep is the greatest thief, for it steals half one's life.
I had my wallet stolen while I was asleep.
She was captured trying to steal jewelry.
She accused him of stealing her car.
She had a book stolen from the library.
She accused him of stealing her money.
She accused me of stealing her money.
She accused me of stealing her money.
She was robbed of her jewels last night.
She denied that she had stolen anything.
She had her handbag stolen.
She was caught red-handed trying to steal a necklace.
He stole her watch.
They caught him stealing.
They accused him of stealing the bicycle.
They accused him of stealing the bicycle.

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