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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [当たれば]

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A cubic meter corresponds to 1000 liters.
If you throw something like that down, if someone's unlucky enough to be hit they'll be injured.
When it is seen to have risen too far, the central banks of major countries cooperate to intervene.
The diet "wall" that everybody hits.
You've run into some trouble or something?
Suspicion that this amounts to insider trading has strengthened.
Next year my birthday will fall on Sunday.
Next year my birthday will fall on a Sunday.
The arrow hit the target.
The question is how we will bell the cat.
The question is how will we deal with this difficult situation.
Dreams sometimes come true.
If I win the lottery, I'll be able to live high on the hog.
I won the lottery.
His mother is in attendance on him.
His mother is taking care of him.
I got a camera in a lottery.
My father's birthday falls on Sunday this year.
Strange to say, his prediction has come true.
Ice melts in the sun.

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