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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [逃げた]

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You're just running away from life's problems.
We're getting out of here. The cops are coming.
The checked player must find a way for the king to escape and block the check.
It's just like rats leaving a sinking ship.
They look just like rats leaving a sinking ship.
They're just like rats leaving a sinking ship.
In short, he's run off without paying off his debt.
As if fleeing, he left the vegetable aisle to go to the meat corner.
Get out the way ... they'll escape!
The Japanese people, thinking only of running away in such times, is pathetic.
I caught sight of him escaping from that shop.
I caught sight of the boy escaping from the classroom.
He was so frightened that he ran for his life.
They gave him a chance to escape.
She was puzzled, and she ran away from me.
She gave a small cry of alarm and fled to the bathroom.
She managed to run away under cover of darkness.
She fled for fear of being caught.
While she was out the thief got away with her jewels.
They abandoned the sinking ship.

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