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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [働かなく]

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Tom worked all night.
We work in a factory.
What has made you decide to work for our company?
They continued working.
She prodded him to work harder.
She is working at school.
I plan to work in a brothel.
Tom worked from early in the morning until late at night.
This room is pleasant to work in.
John works hard.
The day when robots work instead of humans will probably come soon.
I work hard everyday. Even still, I don’t have money.
I work not because I like it. I work in order to live.
I’m working early in the morning so that I can get used to the job quickly.
I’m working early in the morning in order to get used to the job quickly.
If you can’t speak Japanese, it’s hard to work in Japan.
I work as I like my job itself, not for money.

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