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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [働かなく]

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She works hard.
She is now well enough to work.
However ill she is, she always works.
She must have worked very hard.
She worked hard to get the work done.
She is working as a volunteer interpreter at the international conference.
She served the family for twenty years.
Does she work in this city?
She used to work for our company.
She worked hard in order to save money.
She always works hard.
She works as a secretary in an office.
She works from nine.
She was obliged to work to support five children.
She worked as an aerobics instructor in her twenties.
She's been working all day long.
Her mother will continue to work.
Her father works at the bank.
Her skin is coarse from years of working outdoors.
She has two brothers, who work in the computer industry.

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