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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [得意]

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She is good at speaking English, no less so than her brother.
This is my favourite subject.
I'm a good cook.
I cook well.
I'm good at cooking.
Are you good at cooking?
Father is good at cooking. As for Mother, she is good at eating.
My father is good at cooking. As for my mother, she is good at eating.
She is good at climbing up a tree.
She is good at making up interesting stories.
She is an old hand at spying on tax evaders.
She is good at swimming.
She was good at mathematics in high school.
She was good at mathematics in high school.
She is good at speaking English.
She is at home in English.
She is good at speaking English.
He is good at French, much more so at English.
She is good at making up interesting stories.
I discovered that she was better at math than I.

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