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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [読まず]

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She managed to read a book written in French.
She tries to read as many books as she can.
She sat on the sofa, reading a magazine.
It was not until she finished reading the book that she noticed who had written it.
She did not read the book.
When she was reading the letter, she looked sad.
She looked upset as she read the letter.
When she was reading the letter, she looked sad.
She tore the letter up after reading it.
When she was reading the letter, she looked sad.
She read the poem aloud.
She will sit there reading a book.
She was absorbed in reading a fairy tale.
She could read when she was four.
She reads on average three or four books a week.
She read the book once when she was sixteen.
She read the digest of War and Peace.
Her teacher advised her to read more and more novels.
I could not even make a guess at the working of her mind.
I haven't read either of her novels.

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