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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [読ませて]

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She is reading a book in the library.
She cannot write or read.
She can't write or read.
She is well able to read.
After she had read the letter, she tore it to pieces.
She finished reading the letter.
She wept reading the letter.
She cried as she read the letter.
She wouldn't allow me to read the letter.
She read the children an amusing story.
It took her more than three months to read through the magazine.
She was not in the mood for serious books.
She read the letter with her heart beating fast.
She fell fast asleep over a study aid.
She is reading a manual on gardening.
She was reading a gardening manual.
She read the book all night.
She sat in a chair reading a magazine.
Has she finished the book yet?
She lost no time in reading a best-selling novel.

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