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The girl reading a cookbook is Kate.
Read both sides and then decide for yourself.
Read the kind of books that are useful to you.
Read the kind of books that teach you something.
Read books that are worthwhile.
By next Sunday, I'll have read through the novel.
Read such books as can be easily understood.
Read the kinds of books that you can easily understand.
Read the sort of books that you can easily understand.
After he finished supper, he began to read the novel.
I sat up all last night reading a novel.
I stayed up late last night reading a novel.
For the first time in her life, Yuka has finished reading an English book.
Who can read the heroic deeds of brave men without a feeling of respect and admiration?
It is not enough to read great books once only, however carefully.
A saint's maid quotes Latin.
The point is whether she will read the letter or not.
The point is whether she will read my letter or not.
The point is whether he will read the letter.
The concern is whether he'll read the letter or not.

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