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The question is whether he'll read the letter or not.
It is not what you read but how you read that matters.
Don't read under insufficient light, for it is bad for your eyes.
I will have finished reading this novel by the time you come tomorrow.
Poor light hindered my reading.
Reading comics is usually viewed as the pastime of children.
Read the newspaper every day, or you will fall behind the times.
He must be a bookworm to read ten books every day.
My sister is constantly reading comic books.
My little sister can read books well now.
I always buy the English-language books I come across at bookstores. But since I never read them, all they do is pile up.
I spent hours reading books.
It seems, from books, that the colonizers and adventurers went sailing off to a new fine life, a new country, opportunities, and so forth.
I will return your book on Tuesday if I have finished it.
The girl reading a book is Kate.
While reading a book, I fell asleep.
I fell asleep while reading a book.
I am reading a book.
While reading a book, he fell asleep.
He fell asleep while reading a book.

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