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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [読めて]

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I don't have time to read.
Reading books is very interesting.
To read books is custom with me.
Reading a book is interesting.
Reading books is interesting.
To read books is important.
It's important to read books.
Reading books is important.
Having read the book, she went shopping.
I fell asleep while reading.
Don't eat while reading.
By reading books and discussing concepts, a person can gain wisdom and tolerance of differing ideas.
I went on with my reading.
We cannot read too many books.
Please tell me a place to read books.
Please tell me where I can read a book.
I used to read detective stories before going to bed.
I used to read novels at random.
I used to read novels at random.
I haven't read the final page of the novel yet.

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