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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [任せ]

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I've ended up in my present state from having indulged myself.
I'm taking care of it. You can relax, you can rely on me.
Trust me. It'll be plain sailing.
The question of worshipping at the Yasukuni Shrine is left to the independent judgement of Cabinet ministers.
Instead of leaving it to others, take responsibility yourself.
I will care for your kitten during your absence.
I'll take care of your kitten while you're gone.
I'll take care of your kitten while you're away.
We have decided to leave our daughter to herself after she left school.
Leave it to me.
Leave it to me. I'll see to it.
They left it to me to decide on a gift.
She committed her baby to her divorced husband.
She entrusted her baby to her divorced husband.
He always left the problem of this children's education to his wife.
He left everything to chance.
Let's leave it up to him.
If you leave it to him, it'll be all right.
I entrusted my property to him.
I left the rest to him and went out.

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