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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [認められます]

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She admits knowing the secret.
She identified him as the murderer.
She recognized that math was her weakest subject.
She admitted that she was wrong.
She doesn't admit that she is wrong.
She doesn't admit that she is in the wrong.
She allowed that my offer was reasonable.
She acknowledged that my statement was true.
I'm afraid she won't accept my explanation.
She is recognized as the best figure-skater in the country.
She had not been employed two months when her ability was recognized.
She acknowledged having made a mistake.
She admitted to having heroin.
She acknowledged that she couldn't speak French.
She would never own up to a mistake.
She has finally been regarded by the nation as the most charismatic actress.
She recognized the brooch as the one she had lost a few months before.
She need not have owned up to her faults.
She did not need to own up to her faults.
Her statements add up to an admission of guilt.

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