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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [濡れる]

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I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin.
Tom got wet to the skin and caught cold.
The wet shirt will soon dry up.
You must change your shirt - it's got wet.
That, however, tells you just about as much as you would know about water if you were told that it was wet.
This kind of shoe is apt to slip on wet ground.
This grass is too wet to sit on.
Jessie's long hair was completely wet.
That is wet.
My cat is wet.
Tom arrived home soaking wet.
The cat is wet.
I'm wet.
He's wet.
She's wet.
Put the wet umbrella in this bag, please.
"It's raining horribly hard. You didn't get wet?" "No, I'm okay."
Tom is wet.
Take off your wet clothes.
The ground is still wet.

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