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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [破れない]

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You can trust that I will never break my promise.
The new picture has made a record breaking hit.
Never break your promise.
Art breaks the monotony of our life.
You broke the rule.
Mr Yoshida never breaks his promise.
Mr. Yoshida never breaks his promise.
Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.
It's you who has broken our agreement.
In case of fire, break this window.
We defeated the enemy.
A rifle shot broke the peace of the early morning.
If he sends me any letters, I just tear them up and throw them away.
To Bob's disappointment, several of those who had promised to help him afterwards backed out.
Come what may, I will not break my word.
In any case, it's wrong to break a promise.
Tom is the last person to break his promise.
Tom would never break a promise.
Tom is a person who would never break a promise.
Who has torn the envelope open?

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