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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [飛び越える]

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He jumped his horse over the fence.
He didn't dare to jump the brook.
Did he dare to jump the brook?
He jumped over the hedge.
He leaped over the shallow ditch.
He saw the boy jump over the fence and run away.
He jumped over the hedge.
His horse jumped over the fence.
The horse jumped the gate.
I'll try to jump over this stream on a horse.
The stout man leaped over the shallow ditch and stumbled.
The boy skipped over the fence.
I saw a white dog jump over the fence.
The dog jumped over a chair.
The ball bounced over the wall.
Ken easily cleared the fence.
Ken jumped over the wall.
Cookie jumped over Kate.
The runner jumped over the hole in the ground.

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