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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [美し]

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That girl is more cute than beautiful.
That actress is as beautiful as ever.
I think that actress is one of the most beautiful women on earth.
That car is the most beautiful of the three.
That bridge is very beautiful.
That painting is beautiful, and so is this one.
How beautiful that flower is!
You will never fail to be moved by beauty.
You are a beautiful butterfly.
You are very beautiful.
You're so beautiful!
How beautiful you are!
How pretty you are!
How pretty you are!
What a beautiful garden you have!
You are beautifully dressed.
There are beautiful lakes here and there.
A beautiful object like that never loses its value.
It was very important to her which was the more beautiful of the two.
The words 'beautiful' and 'ugly' are relative terms.

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