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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [浮く]

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Has the postman been yet?
Has the mailman already come?
Oil will float on water.
Wood floats, but iron sinks.
Wood floats in water.
She is wearing a long face.
He can't even float let alone swim.
He looks gloomy.
He is popular among his colleagues.
He went away from his father.
He looks unhappy because he was scolded by his mother.
A white cloud is floating in the blue summer sky.
One quality of oil is that it floats on water.
A stone does not float.
Being at the concert hall full of young kids made an old duffer like me feel out of tune.
We learned that oil floats on water.
Particles of dust float in the atmosphere.
You seem to be depressed this morning. What's the matter?
The party puts everyone in high spirits.
Then she was floating on her back.

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