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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [払われなかった]

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Please bill us separately.
How much we still have to pay for peace is a riddle.
Let me pick up the check.
Let me pay.
Please let me pay.
I'm not sure I can afford it.
If I had money enough, I could pay you.
Pay your rent in advance.
Let's shake the rug.
I have no objection to paying a special fee if it is necessary.
She did without necessities to pay for her daughter's lessons.
She dusts the furniture every day.
She took no notice of what her father said.
She let him pay the bill as a matter of course.
She insisted on my paying the bill for the dinner.
She didn't pay me the money.
She insisted that I should pay the bill.
She always pays attention to her children's behavior.
She paid to attend the concert.
She took advantage of our hospitality and stayed a whole month without paying us anything.

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