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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [払われなかった]

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He was decreed to pay the fine.
He paid double fare.
He paid double the usual fare.
He paid me cash down.
He paid too high a price for success.
He said he would pay for the dinner.
He tried to laugh her out of her foolish belief.
He is well able to pay the charge.
He paid all his debts, which is the proof of his honesty.
He might pay me some of the money he owes.
He bargained that he should not have to pay for the car till the next month.
He paid no attention to my advice.
He paid attention to my warning.
He paid no attention to my warning.
He didn't allow me to pay the bill for the dinner.
He demanded that I should pay the money at once.
He demanded that we should pay him.
He always pays attention to his children's behavior.
He took great care, yet he made a mistake.
He had to pay a high rent for his farm.

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