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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [聞かして]

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I've heard my grandma's stories so often that I'm heartily sick of them.
I want a full report though.
The mother whipped sense into her boy.
She read the children an amusing story.
She read an amusing story to the children.
He told me a sad story.
I was deeply affected when I heard of his death.
I was deeply affected when I heard of his death.
I read the letter to him.
I am tired of hearing the same thing so often.
The teacher read a passage from the Bible to the class.
I had trouble making him hear me calling for help.
Drop me a line and let me know what you think.
I told an amusing story to the children.
My family is under the control of Mother.
Sing us a song, please.
I read it to my family.
I'm sick of listening to your complaints.
The nurse anticipated all his wishes.
Tell me the whole story.

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