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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [変えなければ]

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A leopard cannot change his spots.
She is very good at changing the subject.
She changed the subject.
She changed her name to Ann.
She went into her room to change her dress.
She wondered at the sudden change of his mind.
She adhered strongly to her belief.
She changed her hairstyle during summer vacation.
When she was in Los Angeles, she had at least six different jobs.
She has altered the way she does her hair.
She would not change her mind.
I tried to change her mind, but I couldn't.
There was no changing her mind.
They diverted the river to supply water somewhere else.
They move from place to place, often change jobs, divorce more frequently, and take economic and social risks which seem dangerous.
He changed the topic of conversation.
He is obstinate in his opinion.
I think he needs to alter his lifestyle.
He is conservative in his habits.
He changed his countenance when he saw me.

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