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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [変わらず]

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We've had all kinds of weather over the past few days.
It's been pretty much the same over here.
The weather is changeable here.
When I woke up this morning, the rain had turned into snow.
Chris was confident that Beth would be delighted with his improvement.
How are you doing these days?
You can complain 'til the cows come home, but it's not going to make a bit of difference.
I don't care how much you say you love me. I know your feelings for her haven't changed.
No amount of money will change his mind.
The weather changes very often in England.
It's not a good car, but it's a car.
If you watch the sun setting on a warm, damp day, you can see the moisture changing the shape of the sun.
A song says a girl's mind is variable.
The Arabic script was replaced by the Roman alphabet.
You have changed so much that I can hardly recognize you.
You know times have changed when rivals like Hitachi and NEC get together.
Is she all right?
That car salesman was a pretty off the wall kind of guy.
You are just the same as you always were.
You have changed since I saw you last year.

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