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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [片付けなさい]

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Mother told me to put away the dishes.
Mother cleared away the table.
There's a lot of mess to clear up.
Put your room in order.
After the room was tidied up, she went out.
I want you to put the room in order quickly.
After supper, she cleared the table.
She cleared the table of the dishes after dinner.
She cleared the dishes from the table after dinner.
She put away her clothes.
She told her children to put away their toys.
She removed the papers from the desk.
She will clear the table of the dishes.
She will soon clear away these dishes.
They were clearing the snow from the sidewalk with a shovel.
He put aside the book.
Who's going to clear up all this mess?
Clear off the shelf, and you can put your books there.
I cleared the table of the dishes.
You have to finish your homework right away.

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