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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [勉強]

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They booted him out of school for not studying.
They study in order that they may enter the university.
Their teacher is making them study hard.
They have to study hard for the math test.
They studied very hard so as not to fail in the exam.
They studied English yesterday.
They study in the afternoon.
They started studying English last year.
Both of them worked hard so that they could pass the entrance examination.
They study industry.
They were hindered in their study.
He is studying hard in order not to disappoint his parents.
He works hard so that he can study abroad.
He is studying hard for fear he should fail.
He is going to study English next week.
He studied hard day after day.
He makes a point of studying before supper.
He studies his lessons after supper.
He studies his lessons after supper.
He preferred studying at night.

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