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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [歩けない]

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I'd like to walk a bit slower.
I want to walk a little slower.
Tom slowly walked towards Mary.
It hurts to even walk with my thigh muscles aching.
Wait. I can't walk that fast.
Tom told me I walked like a penguin.
The villa is only a five minutes walk from the beach.
I like the way you walk.
How long does it take to walk from here to the station?
Stand up and walk. Keep moving forward. You have two good legs, don’t you?
Shibuya was so crowded that I got tired even after walking around a bit.
You should be walking towards the future, not the past.
If you walk looking down, it’s dangerous.
You have to walk facing forward, or you will bump into someone.
Walk straight forward.

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